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than all other occupation groups,
trailing only physicians


Teachers in the United States rate their lives better than all other occupation groups, trailing only physicians.

Learn more about teacher happiness!


Learn more about teacher salaries!

Most teaching jobs have better retirement benefits than other jobs you can get with the same degree.

Learn more about astrill吧!

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Learn more about loan forgiveness for teachers!

You can get a job almost anywhere in the U.S. or abroad as a science or math teacher.

Learn more about career prospects for teachers!

Behind every advance in medicine or technology is a teacher who left a lasting impression.

Learn more about how teachers impact their students!


How much do you really know about the teaching profession? Test your knowledge about teacher job satisfaction, salaries, retirement benefits, and other facts.



Explore the Teaching Profession… Learn about teacher life satisfaction, salaries, and various other benefits of the profession. Find a certification program near you.


Recruiting Resources: Posters, Flyers, Slides and more… Find resources for different STEM disciplines that are easily customizable to your local context. These are user-tested, research-based resources designed to share with either students or faculty/staff.


Find facts about the teaching profession in the U.S. along with the data that supports these facts. Learn about the research behind the resources on this site.


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